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We Are SeaFortress

We're creating the best in creative entertainment by making games that change the way people have fun.

Hi, Gabriel here! This startup is my childhood dream, a place where me and my group create games with an adaptive schedule, where you can conciliate your fixed job and create games at the same time!

I started working on this idea in 2019, but only at the end of 2020 , when I finished my Compute Engineering and Machine Learning course at INSA in Rouen in France, in a triple diploma framework that also granted me a French Master Diploma. With this background, and my interest in producing innovative games, we will apply modern knowledge of advanced machine learning techniques and crazy ideas we have to bring the most different forms of gaming entertainment!

What We Are About


One day, we want to show that any group of people with a little free time can win game developer championships!


The crazier the idea, the more chances we have to try it!


We truly aim to create a strong community with you! We want your opinions and ideas, and we want to make you feel part of the process!

Meet the Founder

Our Offices

Our Studio is Online

No boundaries! You can be in Brazil, France, Japan, it doesn't matter, as long as you have the willpower and free time, and above all, the will to learn a new skill, why not?

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